Self Acres
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Noel and Marie Self are the owners of SELF ACRES HAPPY BEES APIARY in Goshen, Arkansas. They sell raw local honey and bee products, such as bee pollen, bees wax and lip balm. The Self’s have had bees for more than 40 years. Marie uses honey exclusively to cook with in her home.
Raw Local Honey $2.00, $5.00, $8.00, $10.00, and $20.00 containers
Bee Pollen $12.00
Honey Sticks 4/$1.00 (flavors: jalapeno, cinnamon, watermelon, lemon)
Bees Wax $2.00 per brick
Bees Wax Lip Balm $3.00 for one or 2 for $5.00
Flavored Honey $10.00 (flavors: cinnamon, lemon, melon)